
In building your career, there’s an opportunity for you here in Lucky89 Border Casino. As time goes by, we get older whether we like it or not.But sometimes, if we’re not careful enough, we don’t necessarily turn wiser as we get older.Yikes.You immediately step back from your own life and examine what the heck you’ve been…
Fancy a birthday celebration unlike any other?? There are birthdays that make us want to celebrate with our family. There are birthdays that make us want to spend doing something we love. There are birthdays that make us want to spend with everybody. There are birthdays that we don’t want to celebrate (Hello, teenage angst!).To those…
Why is our company vision very important based on the current times? Our Lucky89 Border Casino has been around for about 9 years now. Like any company, no matter how tight-knit and casual we are towards each other, we do also got the stuff that companies usually have—Vision, Mission, and Values.“The world is filled with joy…
LUcky89 announces 40% salary for the month of April despite Closure The Lucky89 Border Casino would like to formally announce that we will be paying all our staff a 40% salary for April during the nationwide temporary closure of all casinos in Cambodia in line with efforts to curb any chance of the COVID-19 virus from…
Time to find out the juicy details on the new Lucky89 Menu! It was 2018. It was Thursday afternoon. You and your girls got hungry. You got up from your Baccarat table and headed on to the Lucky89 Casino Restaurant.As you nibble onto your favorite Beef Lok Lak, you start to wish, “One day, they’re gonna…
Why you should visit Lucky89 if you are not a gambler Okay, so you find yourself in this corner of the world, in Svay Rieng, Cambodia.You see that there are astonishing casinos over here.If you’re an avid gambler, it’s pretty obvious that you’re gonna find fun in this sweet spot between Vietnam and Cambodia, maybe even…
I’m Hungry, any Suggestions at Lucky89? Hunger is one of the most disturbing feelings you can feel on a daily basis.On the flip side, it’s super rewarding to eat when you feel this way.But if you can’t, it just plainly sucks.Whatever type of hunger you’re experiencing, you can enjoy devouring food to your heart’s content here…
What products can you get at the Lucky89 Mini Mart? Imagine this:It’s midnight.You just got out of your nighttime shower, done with your bedtime beauty routine, stomach still full of that delicious dinner you just had, no headache or any type of pain in your body, you’re not worrying about things that are out of your…